suddenly all these visitors and stuff came into town


sea and cake merch girl elizabeth needed a good cappuccino so i knew what to do


the zincs and sam prekop tour-caffienating


hey, it's my long-lost pen-pal nick macri! awesome.




leah quimby!


found this doll in the dumpster out back...seemed like it would make a nice gift for sunburned hand of the man


did someone let this woman bring a dog into my house?


yes, that seems to be the case


leah, rob, and zuma


by morning zuma had conquered the cat bed as well (why not, what with the cats hiding upstairs, right?)


ron and sharon contemplating brunch


hey, it's my long-lost pen-pal ron schneiderman! awesome.


leah and pete after an impromptu photo shoot


cat-raccoon standoff in kensington market


willowy stuff of leslieville


good light


sometimes you go see a matinee when you're depressed and you come out and it is pouring and you feel worse and it looks like this


other times, you go to cherry beach at night


self-portrait in lake ontario


lites/wires/victorian homes

