and just like that, it's sunny again!
sunny enough for a honey tasting
cal was maybe not so into this particular honey
hey, i'm at nbc
with...gary busey?
and norman
but NOT katie couric, anymore
nbc velvet ropes
nbc cutlery
new shoes!
mike, crazy!
old shoes!
gowanus warning light
pretty much everything ya need here
james and amy's lovely view of the BQE
cute much?
james figuring out how to pay for brunch
if only he had any money
red hook fleurs
amy and a salty cake that haunts me to this day (i am still shaking from it)
eel! kapchunkas!
go to russ & daughters on a thursday, and this fellow dan will make you the best egg cream you have ever had
< dogs, squirrels, suspension cable | williamsburg, mostly >