{los angeles may 09}


a quick stop in wisconsin early in the morning...


...and suddenly i'm in LA!


al garcia felt he owed intelligentsia coffee an apology


i tracked down rael


santa monica with new residents chris and m'lissa


intelligentsia's crazy venice cafe, still in progress


phil was in LA too, which was good, 'cos i was hungry


kogi truck! shortrib sliders!


brunch at stella with IT, DP, DC


the two of these that weren't iphones then are now


iansane in control of the camera


kelly-zed and sean-zed down from olywa


guess pets are allowed in cafes out here if they're REALLY CUTE!


i didn't know these people, but aren't they awesome? note the pain reliever on the counter too.


wandered down to visit choke...andrew approved


i'd see a lot more winces like this one in 2009


mix 'n' match


there are the keys


dirt bike


a fine day. and ian has stolen the camera again.




more califunia >
